Radioactivity in the marine environment

Statens strålevern Gyldig 20170501


Beskrivelse: This data model is developed to represent data from the programmes/projects: Radioaktivitet i marint miljø (Radioactivity in the Marine Environment, RAME) (MD) and Fisk og sjømat (FKD)


Viser treff 1 - 6 av 6

CommonProperties objekttype

Abstract object used as a container for properties that the object-types have in common.

GeneralProperties objekttype

Abstract object used as a container for properties originating from SOSI-chapter 1.

Sampling_MarineAnimals objekttype

Marine animals sampled for analysis of radionuclides.

Sampling_Seawater objekttype

Seawater sampled for analysis of radionuclides.

Sampling_Seaweed objekttype

Seaweed sampled for analysis of radionuclides.

Sampling_SurfaceSediments objekttype

Surface sediments sampled for analysis of radionuclides.